Erwin Redl

Gizmo team completes the installation of Lucy in the Sky by Erwin Redl. Artist: Erwin Redl Category: Sculpture fabrication  Location: Union Square/Market Street Station Date: March 2021 “The artwork by Erwin Redl for the Union Square/Market Street Station titled Lucy in the Sky, is an illuminated installation comprised of hundreds of translucent 10 x 10 inch light panels,…

Jim Campbell and Werner Klotz

Installation of more than 10,000 uniquely formed and different sizes of polished stainless steel discs hanging from steel ropes. Artists: Jim Campbell and Werner Klotz Category: Sculpture fabrication  Location: Union Square/Market Street Station Date: 2021 “For the platform level of the Union Square/Market Street Station, world-renowned artists Jim Campbell and Werner Klotz have created Silent Stream, a site-specific…

Ned Kahn

Gizmo teamed up with artist Ned Kahn to produce this entrancing kinetic sculpture Moving Goal Posts that outfits a parking structure at an NFL building in LA. Client: Ned Kahn Location: Los Angeles, CA Date:  May 2021 This large-scale kinetic sculpture designed by Ned Kahn and fabricated and delivered by Gizmo outfits the exterior of a parking…

Blessing Hancock

Illuminated sculptures at Gables Station draw inspiration from the tropical flora of the area, representing seed pods and fruits. These artworks explore the concept of nature as neighborhood icon. A significant community engagement process was included in order to wrap the artworks in stories collected from community elders, who emigrated from the Bahamas to Coral…

Barbara Grygutis

Gizmo worked with Grygutis to fabricate these large sculptures to outfit an exterior commercial area in Palo Alto. Category: Public Art Location: 1050 Page Mill Rd. Palo Alto, CA Date: March 2019 “Frequencies is a visual tribute to unseen patterns that shape our daily lives. The artwork references wave patterns to visualize the pervasive, but largely unseen, presence of…