“Loqui” sculpture made the cover of Modern Steel Construction

“Loqui” is a one-of-a-kind sculpture by artist Blessing Hancock. Not only is it notable in the art world, but it also made the cover of Modern Steel Construction magazine this month! Gizmo has been collaborating with Blessing Hancock for over 20 years, and Loqui is by far the largest to date. Click here to read…

Art Panals coming soon to Valley Metro’s South Central Extension Downtown Hub

Papel Picado is a newest installation by artist Blessing Hancock in Phoenix, AZ. It celebrates local values of the Grant Park, Central Park and Warehouse Districts.  Seventeen historic buildings and community landmarks have been integrated into the artwork designs of the painted steel station screens and railing panels. The aesthetic takes inspiration from the Mexican…

“Loqui” sculpture coming soon by Blessing Hancock at Fairgrounds in Nashville, Tennessee

Gizmo is proud to announce the current installation of “Loqui”, a monumental sculpture we have built for the new Fairgrounds in Nashville, Tennessee. Standing at approximately 40 feet tall, this striking sculpture is the creation of renowned artist Blessing Hancock, with whom Gizmo has fostered a longstanding and fruitful partnership. Having frequently entrusted us with…

Home and the World by artist Ranu Mukhejee to be installed at Mercy House California

Gizmo will be fabricating and installing the art at the new Mercy House California (MHC) development located at 600 7th street in San Francisco, CA. 7th Street Wall: Home and the World by artist Ranu Mukherjee This piece consists of a series of four relief sculptures that function as lanterns to be installed on the…

Blessing Hancock Sculpture Coming to Santa Rosa, CA

“Unum” is another really cool project brought about by the artist Blessing Hancock, whom we have had the pleasure of working with extensively in the past and presently on several other similar projects. A common Blessing Hancock motif that Unum has is the backlit metal text cutout face, typically composed of words, letters and sometimes…

Clare Rojas and Yumei Hou art installations into the new Chinatown Station

Yumei Hou’s laser-cut metal artwork in its new home at the Chinatown Station   Clare Rojas and Yumei Hou’s artwork is being installed by Gizmo Art Production, Inc. into the new Chinatown Station. Working with the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency SFAC’s Public Art Program is implementing permanent public artworks related to adjacent neighborhoods.  …

Gizmo Prototypes “One Oak” by artist Taraneh Hemami

Gizmo worked with the artist to develop the shape of the sculpture using 3d design programs. “One Oak, is a sculpture for public space in downtown Oakland, honoring oak’s importance to the culture of the native to the region Muwekma Ohlone tribes, standing in for the many oak groves in Oakland’s past and paying homage…